Two things I note under this rather vague title: the first is from the Lambeth Palace Library annual review, which reports that the library has received the papers of George Goyder, described accurately as one of the architects of synodical government in the Church of England (see also an obituary in the Independent, 3rd Feb 1997). They remain to be catalogued, but will be a tremendous resource once they are.
The second is more by way of an appeal for information, on Ernest Shippam. In looking into national days of prayer in the sixties and seventies, I find a letter apparently from him to all the bishops. All I know so far is that he was one of the Chichester fish paste dynasty, and that he came to faith as a result of hearing Billy Graham at Haringey in the fifties. Any pointers would be gratefully received.
The British churches and artists from Nazi Europe
A new article of mine has just appeared in the journal Anglican and
Episcopal History. It is available in JSTOR, and so is accessible both to
subscribers a...
5 weeks ago
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